'PR' Bowling's Red Ranger Crimsontara - DNA/VIP
After a long day of swimming and laying in the sun Tara enjoys a quiet evening curled up in bed reading her favorite magazine. Tara was bred by Patty Ballard and is owned by Lori Bowling of Leather Neck K-9's, visit her and see Tara's wins in the UKC.


Reading about humans is very mind boggling


After reading fashion magazine she is all
dressed up for a hot date

Tara enjoys a fast ride on big bikes

Left to Right:
Bowling's Semper Fidelis aka THE ELF
'PR' Bowling's Red Ranger Crimson Tara 
aka Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Bowling's Guardian Angel aka Santa

Go Ahead make my day! 
Try and take my truck.

Pit Bull break system! 
Only installed in your best Trucks


Doggie Dental Floss

Now if I can find a way to remove this floss
Life would be grand!

Mr. T is a grandson of Ranger (looks just like him)  He is owned by William Stull
and bred by Patty Ballard.

I think I might be in trouble here, I had a run in with a lawn mower tire
and the tire won! How in the heck do I get this off?
May the Lawn Mower rest in peace.
Bush is now owned by Larry Horn.

Now that's a pile of pups!